Research Experience for Teachers Summer Program

The Oklahoma State University Research Experience for Teachers (OSU-RET) Summer Program is designed to develop a means of educating middle school and high school teachers and pre-service teachers about real scientific research.   We have experience mentoring Oklahoma Teachers since 2013 based upon National Science Foundation funding for this poineering program. 

The OSU-RET program provides in-service (and now preservice science teachers) with the research experience, content knowledge, and pedagogical skills, to mentor their middle school and high school students (or future students) in authentic research. 

The teachers also engaged in classroom activities designed to better understand the nature of science and build a framework for creating lesson plans designed around national standards and the theory of the nature of science. Currently, the teachers are finishing their lesson plans which they will test on their students. Afterward, those plans beccome available on this website.  Are you a teacher? Please find out more about applying! Contact Prof. Julie Angle:

OSU- Summer Research Experience for Teachers (RET)

The OSU-RET program is now accepting applications from

Oklahoma Science Teachers

Application deadline is Thursday April 12th, 2018  follow the link below to apply:

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Scientific Research Experiences for Teachers

Committed to supporting excellence in science education in the State, Region, and in the Nation